Mackenzie Rollins | Weblog


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m: one of my favorite things in sarajevo was listening to music with rob. while driving. cooking dinner. running. being computer dorks. we all listened to so much music. new. old. good. terrible. everything in between. rob knows music. lyrics. artists. i appreciate that so much about you rob. thanks for repeatedly making me stop and listen to the lyrics. i listened to these while watching birds dip and soar in the suffocating fog of this afternoon.

cycling trivialities.

too blind to know your best.

hurrying through the forks without regrets.

different now, every step feels like a mile. all the lights seem to flash and pass you by.

so how’s it gonna be. when it all comes down you’re cycling trivialities.

don’t know which way to turn.

every trifle becoming big concerns.

all this time you were chasing dreams, without knowing what you wanted them to mean.

so how’s it gonna be. when it all comes down you’re cycling trivialities.

who cares in a hudred years from now.

all the small steps, all your shitty clouds.

who cares in a hundred years from now. who’ll remember all the players. who’ll remember all the clowns.

so how’s it gonna be. when it all comes down you’re cycling trivialities.

(jose gonzalez. in our nature.)


goodbye for now. i love you.


Written by Mackenzie Rollins

December 10, 2007 at 6:36 am

Posted in Uncategorized

5 Responses

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  1. i love just sitting and listening to music as well kenz… i think that’s one of the greatest attributes dad passed on to us as kids, and i’m thankful for it everyday… i’d love to go sit with you and listen when i get into town…


    December 10, 2007 at 12:30 pm

  2. I love that song.

    Amy Pennell

    December 10, 2007 at 5:43 pm

  3. Sounds like Jose was having a downer day when he wrote that. I’m more of a glass is half full kind of girl.

    Melissa Rollins

    December 10, 2007 at 6:11 pm

  4. Oh Kenz, I love the publicity! And I love these lyrics, very “Ecclesiast-ical”. You have a unique taste for good music. Most of the world doesn’t know that they like crap because they just settle for what is popular (same with coffee). Not so with you, sister. It was great having somebody around to “make” listen to what I love. My life plays a constant soundtrack and I will always associate Prefontaine with you as well as the Springsteen song that reminded me of Nathan, which also touched you in a special way. Ok, cadences too. I ran today through our hills and really missed your ipod. My fipod works ok too though.


    December 10, 2007 at 7:48 pm

  5. Good song. I much needed reminder today, thanks for that.


    December 12, 2007 at 1:11 am

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